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Denyse Jeter-Williams
DJW Custom Baskets & Beyond

Founder & Creative Director


(301) 980-1926 (direct)



Denyse Jeter-Williams founded DJW Custom Baskets & Beyond in 2018 as a result of her experience as a Human Resources professional.  As it became more and more difficult to find – and keep – good employees, Denyse drew on her creativity and enthusiasm to differentiate her employers. 

Believing that one of the keys to successful recruitment is demonstrating to new employees that they are special and valued, Denyse created a unique gift basket that was sent via courier to each person who accepted a position.  Filled with edible goodies, along with logo items from the company and a personalized note, the baskets were a huge success.  Denyse then created special gift baskets to celebrate an employee’s promotion.  From that great beginning, Denyse cultivated the idea of her company, DJW Custom Baskets & Beyond.

Today, Denyse’s custom baskets are available to individuals and businesses for any occasion.  For businesses, DJW Custom Baskets & Beyond creates high-quality, custom gift baskets made to ensure that customers and employees know that they are valued and appreciated.  For individuals, DJW Custom Baskets & Beyond offers creative and personalized gifting options that are sure to delight the recipient.

With amazing products and exceptional customer service, DJW Custom Baskets leave a positive, lasting impression with 100% satisfaction guaranteed.  Order one (or more) today, and get ready to WOW your customer or loved one, and leave a lasting impression!

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